Custom Notices
regard to proper using our devices
The Ziegler playgrounds is committed under the Product Safety Act (ProdSG), to install playground equipment reliable. Not only because of obligation, but also in its demands on our products, our playset are therefore manufactured according to DIN EN 1176 in compliance with all test-related safety aspects. These include, for example, the exclusion of clamping and trap or the observance of fall heights.
In order to guarantee a safe play permanently, in addition to the rules in production and installation regular maintenance is necessary. Inspections must be carried out by trained staff and maintenance intervals are all based on the specifications of DIN EN 1176-7: (1x annually) main inspection, operative inspection (1-3 months), visual inspection (1x weekly).
Security risks which are caused by improper use of the equipment, are in the responsibility of parents. We remind you that playground equipment may be used only in the manner prescribed for them (for example swing for swinging in a sitting position, slide for sliding down ...) and only the intended group for her age. For improper using, for example climbing up slide surfaces or willful excessive kick-off swinging elements could cause (for example step elements of the Wobbling Footbridge), that other children will be confronted with unexpected situations and cause also injury.